
Bee Stings and Honey

Bee stings and Honey is a life style blog that came to fruition after this year of Pandemic and dark times in our nation. While adapting to life as a stay at home mom, my everyday experience inspired me to write.

I went from being a Dean of Students at a large middle school to being a mom of two little children under the age of two. At home, without community: my family or my friends. I was blessed to have my husband Scott by my side for the next year of life as a husband, and friend.

There were many times that I felt alone, exhausted and that I was doing everything wrong. My children and myself had to discover new ways to connect with our loved ones and each other. There were days full of honey and there were days full of bee stings. I kept thinking to myself I can’t be the only mom out there yelling too much or struggling with small things.

 Within this space I hope to inspire and encourage mamas to grow spiritually, prioritize self care, and to find the joy (the honey) amongst the hardships (stings) in this incredible journey of motherhood.

God showed me how to have grace for myself and to find the honey when the bees sting. I hope you can do the same as well. To Him be all glory, may He be pleased with this blog.



I'm Patience

The Voice Behind Beestings and Honey

Bee Stings and Honey is a lifestyle blog that i started in 2021. Within this space I hope to inspire and encourage mamas to grow spiritually, prioritize self care, and to find joy ( the honey) amongst the hardships (stings) in this incredible journey of motherhood.

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