Bible Studies for Mom
Spiritual Wellness

Powerful Bible Studies for Moms

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Bible Studies for Mama:

Being a mother is one of the greatest responsibilities that God fashioned for women. Fundamentally, we are at the helm, with the task of raising our children to be conscious, well-mannered, individuals. Who in turn will grow up to impact our hurting world in monumental ways, all propelled by God’s strength and purpose. All that, as well as  keeping them safe, and loving them in every stage of their lives is no small task.

Unquestionably, mamas require encouragement and stamina to carry out this mission. We are as strong as what is fueling us. So I find myself perplexed when I see an offer of quick bible study or express scripture for stay at home moms. Trust me, time is precious but when we do sit down with Jesus to refuel, we require more than hurried  pleasantries.

Substance Over Quick Study :

Naturally, we would never offer our children half a meal,  or a fraction of our love. No, we give of ourselves fully, until we are drained. Exhausted beyond measure. Therefore, we need substance, words that will propel our hearts and soul to endure. To endure the sleepless nights, the whining, the teething,  and hunger strikes. To ensure that our children are experiencing overwhelming love and joy at our hands. We need our spiritual vitamins daily, not our express scripture that serves as a tick on a to do list. 


I discovered the following bible studies during the Pandemic season. They each offer wisdom, deep character studies from the bible, and clear perspectives of who God is. More importantly, they strive to show who women are in Christ Jesus: Strong, beautiful, called, and purposed. 

Spiritual Wellness Comes First:

Beth Moore- A Women’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place

As a result of the Beth Moore bible study, my understanding and appreciation for the Old Testament grew exponentially. Admittedly, I have always struggled when reading the Old Testament, as I felt disconnected to the history it portrays. This study made so many clear parallels from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Which made  it abundantly clear that these books interlock with one another. The Christian faith is built on principles that came from the Old Testament, and it afforded clarity as to what has changed within the New Testament because of Jesus. 

Decidedly, my biggest take away was the correlation between the physical Temple and my body then becoming the Temple of God, post Jesus. This realization came while I was postpartum. It paralleled so beautifully with these things I was experiencing physically  and things I was learning spiritually.

Priscilla Shirer:

Priscilla Shirer Elijah- Faith and Fire

Priscilla Shirer is a woman I greatly admire, she has a way of bringing scripture alive. And truthfully, she brings an unapologetic strength to the women of God as she teaches. Everytime I do one of her studies, it feels as though I have completed a Master class of the Bible. Her Elijah study was no different, it was an in depth character study that went way beyond the familiar highlights of the person. I had an understanding of what Elijah was famous for. But this study shed light on his heart, his strengths, his failures and his impact on the people of Israel. New knowledge like that is powerful, and it increases your spiritual fitness. Elijah is a  hardy study that requires  ten weeks or more to complete, but the commitment is well worth the spiritual outcome.

Lysa TerKyerst

Lisa Ter Keurst- Embraced: 100 Devotions to Know that God is Holding You Close 

Lysa writes as if she is your best friend and she has invited you to read her journal. That is what makes this study refreshing and enjoyable to read. While she is encouraging you to grow she does so with a transparency from her own not so perfect life. She offers you 100 devotionals that may take five minutes to read but they do not shirk on scripture or accountability. I have highlighted so many passages throughout the book, so much so that it looks like one of my old college textbooks.

Fellowship with Other Women is Vital for the Soul:

My friend  Joni actually recommended this to me when I was struggling with my body image, within my marriage. As we sat on my living room floor she pulled out her own copy of Embraced, and encouraged me to explore it. In the margins I saw her notes and prayers and own highlights. That day I felt embraced, and the study continues to be an extension of that day. A  beautiful reminder that fellowship with women in person or in print is vital for the women’s soul.

Author's Note:

I must share that both the Beth Moore and Priscilla Shirer bible studies feature listeners guides that correspond with video teaching available at However, these sessions are extremely expensive  ($3.99 each, for 8-12 sessions) to buy as an individual. Nonetheless I feel that you still take away valuable lessons from the daily studies without watching the videos.


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