10 Truths of a Stay at Home Mama
Bee Stings and Honey

10 Confessions of a Stay at Home Mom

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Ever folded three loads of laundry only to witness the meticulously folded threads flying through the air?  If you answered yes , then you may be a stay at home mama. You have seen it the laundry begins to resemble tissue paper being hastily removed from a gift bag, by eager little fingers. Somehow toddlers have penchants for undoing what has been newly done. In fact my velvet pink throw pillows spend more time being trampled on the floor than they do beautifying my coach.  It will take gorilla glue to keep those things in their  respective place.

The Stay at Home Mama Knows Chaos:

Naturally, as  a stay at home mama this picture of brilliant chaos repeats itself daily in varying forms. Perhaps even now you’ re agreeing with me as you envision your own little turkeys mischief.  It’s store bought playdough mashed in tiny teeth, dinosaurs in the cutlery drawer. Furthermore, mystery puddles on the food and the need to do harrowing acrobatics in the kitchen to avoid catastrophic collisions all while holding a freakin hot pan!

Taking the stay at home mom life into consideration I share with you the ten confessions of being a stay at home mom. Hopefully this will make you laugh and help you realize that in all the bee stings and honey of everyday life mama, you are doing a great job.

confessions of a stay at home mama

Comparison is Your Enemy: :

Most assuredly, the comparison trap is your worst enemy when it comes to being a mama. No matter the number of kids you have, if you breast fed or didn’t, had  a natural pregnancy or an epidural. Our journeys  will have striking similarities and vast differences. I am guilty of this myself, I saw a mama on Instagram who was doing the most. She has seven children and is a college professor to boot. Instantly, I felt smaller and less than. Your thought life is powerful, don’t compare yourself to others, rather commit to living an intentional love filled life instead.

Surround Yourself with Joy :

Indeed, this is an important focus, to ensure that your days at home are filled with joy. Whatever that looks like, prioritize these activities daily. For me and my household joy comes from quiet times with Jesus, story time at the local library, special treats, visits with our dear friends and copious amounts of tea.  With all the lists and  things to do these joy invoking moments can easily be placed to the wayside, I encourage you Mama to keep them at the forefront.

Self Care is of the Utmost Importance:

confessions of a stay at home mama



Without a doubt one of the biggest demands placed on a mama is to be the caregiver of the home. From assuaging skinned knees to filling multiple bellies, there is always a need to fill. The chores come as do the demands no matter if you are well rested or running on fumes. Be good to yourself and find small pockets to fill with self- care. 

Parenting Gets Lonely :

Children make for the best company and there is never a dull moment as they acquire new words and phrases. Just this morning my daughter Rose did her own hair to which she exclaimed “ I am a big girl, I did my own hair so I don’t need you anymore Mama!” Hopefully, I do more for her than just her hair.


Needless to say, parenting can become lonely despite these sweet little conversations with little ones. Finding other people in a similar season as you is paramount to your well being, and beneficial to your Mamas heart. Every now and then everyone  needs a good vent, adult conversation and honestly, a friend.

You Don't Have to Share the Last Bite:

In contrast to what you’ve been told, you do not have to share your last bite with your children. Yep, I said it, some things can be just yours. For me it’s not my last nite but my water bottle is off limits. Before you boo, they always have their own water bottles at hand. Sometimes I have salt in my water to help with anxiety. Even more particularly, I do not enjoy drinking water that has remnants of a peanut butter  and jelly sandwich swirling in it. Honestly, my water bottle looks like a petri dish from Science class once my kids have descended upon it. Fiji water would boycott said water bottle, they would deem it non-potable.

Dressing Up Makes You Feel Good :

Many mamas I know were professionals out in the field and they dressed for those roles. Just because you are home doesn’t mean that your fashion sense and personality has to be surrendered. Personally, I shower and dress everyday as  it energizes me. In addition to getting ready I try to wear one piece of jewelry everyday. The sparkle makes me smile,  simple as that. For my friend Carrie she puts on lipstick every day. Whereas, Christina makes a special latte every morning, while she sets out her outfit, usually something black and elegant. that with us on a daily basis.

Feed You Soul :

 Furthermore, mama you can not run on fumes. In order to be the loving powerhouse to your children your soul gauge has to be on full. There are many wonderful churches, but if you haven’t found one then please use the sermon archive from my church. The sermons are 25 minutes long, but still maintain a focus on sound doctrine, and full dependence on Jesus Christ. The link below will take you to the sermon archive from which you can stream countless online teachings. May you be blessed as you listen.


Colorado Community Church Service Archive 

Engage Your Mind :

Although your mind  is racing a million miles a minute while parenting, it is important to engage new things on an intellectual level.  Try a new language using the app Duolingo, read books, or listen to them on tape. You could try playing chess or picking up a new hobby. in activities that keep your brain functionality  young. Meaning, you still need to strive to learn

Go Ahead and Hate the Laundry :

Decidedly, some people find the process of laundry to be a therapeutic one. Naturally, I am grateful for the luxury of having a washing machine and dryer within reach, but it is still my least favorite chore. So I give you permission  to dislike the laundry, go ahead you know you want to.

It's Okay to Crave Privacy While Pooping:

Lastly, craving privacy while pooping is totally relatable and understandable. The teacher in me understood that I would have to model such behavior in the season of potty training. The training is over, but the enthusiasm for viewing my toileting habits is still of high interest to my kids. Locked doors are no match, they find keys, toys, pens, anything they can find to break down the barrier. The questions flood from under the door “ Mama is it poop or pee?”  Maybe in a few years we can hope for some privacy.. In the meantime, Mama you are killin it, poop on and prosper.


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