The Ministry of Motherhood
Spiritual Wellness

The Ministry of Motherhood

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In Motherhood Perfection Isn't Needed:

As moms we strive to create the most perfect havens for our spouse and kids to flourish in. Even more, we routine, meal plan, teach and cook. Meanwhile, we map out the best routes in the grocery stores as we handle the fluctuating behavior of toddlers without missing a check on our shopping lists.  Essentially, moms are in ministry most of the day, albeit in a constant motion.

The Ministry of a Mama Doesn't Stop:

Undoubtedly, multi-tasking and doing copious amounts of laundry each week is a badge of honor, the mark of a Mom. But what is it truly for? Social media, tv shows and magazines all push an agenda of what a mom should look like and act like. They push perfection, and showy displays of motherhood that aren’t realistic.

Mama, You Are A Beautiful Vessel:

Notably, whether in sweatpants or dressed to the nines the vessel behind the look is the most important and constant force. Imagine, that you were gifted an ornate vase, the kind your clear space for and display with pride. You begin to daydream about how it can best be showcased for its beauty. Never would you say to yourself “ I will put nothing in this vase!” Mama you are that vase and the ministry of motherhood flows from within that encasement.

Space is Needed :

In the last two years the most important thing that I have learned is that planning my day is a step of obedience, as is cleanliness and handling my children and myself  with intentional care. Clearly when we seek balance we are actually seeking a ministry that God will be pleased with. Moreover, in all the striving to be everything, we must do something counterintuitive, we must un-plan portions of our day. Differing from the norm, leaving space in our planners is a clear invitation for God to show up. Not only will He show, but with his presence you will experience unexpected things… Here are 4 impacts that I have observed this past month, by un-planning my day. 


Following God’s will on a daily basis takes time and effort on your part. So often we fill up our planners with need to do obligations without considering what will bring the most eternal benefit. Of course God wants his people to be healthy, organized and intentional but following His agenda in the place of our own will produce a  significant difference in the spiritual realm.

Unexpected Blessings:

In contrast to my structured days I have found that in the unraveling of my plans, there lies blessings from unexpected places. God shows up in my kids, in plans that fell through only for new ones to present themselves. On countless occasions we have missed one thing only to find that God was planning something wonderful, I just needed to get out of the way.

Kids Have Autonomy :

 Naturally, the joy of my kids is one of my favorite things to witness. I love watching them seize a day as their imaginations come to life.  Even though I needed to do grocery shopping, the hot lava floor prevented our departure. Consequently, after countless prompts of “Let’s go!” and  “We are gonna be late.” I surrendered to toddler directed play  and the infectious joy of my children. Truly, the groceries can wait, but the blessings can be missed if you aren’t aware. For More on This Read this Post Finding Joy in Parenting


Your Focus is Spirit Directed:

Moreover, when you are yielded to the hand of the Spirit you focus remains outward. It isn’t about you and your needs but the needs of those around. Depending on your higher power also takes the pressure off of you to be “perfect” day in and day out. Perfection isn’t needed nor is it attainable. When we are fully submitted to God then we are at our strongest. Our everyday mundane becomes something spectacular.


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