practicing Gentleness Everyday
Spiritual Wellness

Practicing Gentleness Everyday

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Ways to Practice Gentleness Daily:

Recently, our church suffered the sudden loss of a beloved pastor by the name of Richard Powell. He embodied the love of Christ for others in such a remarkable way.  His gentleness was evident to all no matter the person or time. As the Pastor of Spiritual Formation his ministry began in the lobby and flooded into the classes he so beautifully stewarded.

Gentleness A Rare Virtue:

Furthermore, Richard had a way of making anyone he spoke to feel special and seen. Naturally, myself and many others are reeling from his passing, but at the same time celebrating the fact that he is currently partying with Jesus. In the last couple weeks I have been reflecting on this rare form of gentleness.  And in fact have felt convicted in my lack of gentleness towards others. This experience led me to the realization that gentleness is a gift, one with many blessings for those on the receiving end. Therefore, it is a virtue worth practicing daily with these five practices.

Be Present:

When death occurs,  you are reminded that life and time are precious. So with that being present in the moments we are given  is vital to the practice of gentleness.  Deeply engaging with other people is something that Jesus himself designed  mirrored in and throughout the Gospels. He didn’t just see peoples’ sin, he saw the pain, humiliation, the longing in people to be loved. In the same way as Christians we ought to be so present in moments that we too are able to see as Jesus saw.

Good Listening:




Similarly, seeing people goes hand in hand with actually hearing people, not just on a superficial level, rather on an acutely personal level. In an age where abbreviated texts, emojis, and fast everything does the talking we forget how to delve into what actually is. I myself ask kindly “how are you?” In my heart I genuinely want to know, but my hurry prevents that, and sadly accepts “fine.”

When “Fine” Really Isn’t All There Is :

In my experience, as a teacher, friend, wife, moth, I have discovered that there is often more than fine in a person. I am one of those feeling, sensing people and when I slow down I am able to sense this in those around me. The Pandemic and social distancing has encouraged some complacent behaviors in us all. When gentleness is on the forefront of our minds, there is always time to check on someone, a stranger with a flat tire, your child, husband or friend. Though this costs you time, the gains far outweigh the sacrifice of time. Trust me I write this to myself, as much as you.

Reflect on These Beautiful Scriptures:

These five scriptures paint such a clear picture of what gentleness truly looks like, what my mum, and Richard looked like to me. 

2 Corinthians 10:1

By the humility and gentleness of Christ, I appeal to you—I, Paul, who am “timid” when face to face with you, but “bold” toward you when away!

Colossians 3:12

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

1 Peter 3:15

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.

Philippians 4:5

Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.


1 Peter 3:4

Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.

Pray for Gentleness :

Gentleness in correction can be one of the most loving applications of this virtue. Sometimes my daughter Rose will do something naughty then turns to see how I will react. Yelling, at times, has been my first reaction, which doesn’t serve anyone in that situation. But the times where gentleness is my approach, the learning is exponential and our relationship remains strengthened and intact. Not only is my gentleness evident in that moment, more my kids are seeing the outpouring of God’s gentleness in me. That’s power, Amen!

Gentleness in Correction :

Gentleness in correction can be one of the most loving applications of this virtue. Sometimes my daughter Rose will do something naughty then turns to see how I will react. Yelling, at times, has been my first reaction, which doesn’t serve anyone in that situation. But the times where gentleness is my approach, the learning is exponential and our relationship remains strengthened and intact. Not only is my gentleness evident in that moment, more my kids are seeing the outpouring of God’s gentleness in me. That’s power, Amen!

Serve Others:

Gentleness in our interactions with others requires time, therefore making space in your everyday for others makes room for just that. Whether it’s a long coffee date, a long phone call, or showing up.. God will meet you in your attempt to be gentle to others. Additionally, God is faithful and when you are in step with Him. He will place people in your path using situations that take you by surprise. Get ready for a wild and beautiful ride.


To Pastor Richard Powell thank you for being the gentleness of Jesus to my family and I every week during the Pandemic. You showed us what it is to be a genuine lover of Him. We will miss you so very much.


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