Making Time for God
Spiritual Wellness

Making Time for God

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As the shimmering silver streaks along my hairline, danced in the dim reflection of the mirror this morning. I was reminded just how quickly time goes by, 37 just like that. Consequently,  I have gained 12 hairs worth of wisdom or so it seems. From baby hairs to  long hairs of wisdom one life lesson has been constant and unchanging; the importance of making time for God.

He Desires Time with You:

Naturally, it is easy to spend time with God when holiday or vacation allows. But in the churning whirlwind that is everyday life carving out time for Him can be quite the challenge. Undeniably, the thing about our Big God is that He will meet you. Albeit, at the base of the Swiss Alps or  in a small corner of your linty laundry room. He desires and craves time with you no matter the backdrop.

Time with Him is Vital:

Definitely, something has to change. Our perspectives and attitude towards those moments need to be transformed. That space with Jesus provides you the spiritual fuel needed to live day in and day out. If we don’t see it as a dire need, it becomes a tick on an ever growing to do list. Making time for God is simpler than you think and here are four simple ways you can incorporate now.

Making time for God

Soul Space App:

Recently, I discovered this Soul Space app which is available in both the Apple and Google play stores. This guided meditation app has both a free and paid version, which is $29.00 a year. It is a thoughtful collection of 5 minute meditations that are soothing and well executed. Meditation can jump start your morning or it  can soothe you to sleep, as well as 100 Day Bible Challenge.

Write Your Prayer Out:

Making Time with God

 Even still, focusing during prayer can pose a challenge for some. Writing your prayers is an excellent way to bring focus and consistency to your prayer life. Though there are many prayer acronyms, ACTS has served me the best. The teacher in me loves a good planning model.

A: Adoration- praise God for who He is to you.

C: Confess your sins 

T: Give Thanks 

S: Supplication, Adocation For Others, Your Family, and Self

Be Still:

Be Still:

In addition to action, spending time with God can mean doing nothing but being still. Psalms 46:10 says it so clearly :

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;

    I will be exalted among the nations,

    I will be exalted in the earth.”

Go For a Prayer Walk:

In contrast to being still, inviting God into your daily movement is an effective way to connect with you. From Christian based yoga to a prayer walk your Father can use any part of your day. We so easily can meet our dear friends for coffee, with ease we find the time, drive to our destination and simmer with one another. If we approach our time with the same enthusiasm our lives will completely transform. Moreover, we will thirst for these daily encounters and when missed there will be  a lingering emptiness until we are yet filled.

 In closing take heart, God is always available to you.  Be encouraged and intentional in your endeavors to grow closer to God. He is patient, He is kind and  even more He adores you.

Making Time for God


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