All Things Kids

Easy Counting Game for Toddlers

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By far one of my favorite memories as a teacher is student teaching in a first grade classroom. Kids at this age and younger are so eager to learn new things, their enthusiasm is contagious. Now as a stay at home mom I get to teach my children the same objectives from the classroom at home.

This easy winter counting game is perfect for teaching number recognition and sequencing 1-10. Kids will also be able to identify different circle sizes on the mittens. Craft pom-poms offer a tactile math manipulative, and a splash of color.

I wanted to put together a counting game for my daughter because she started skipping numbers while counting all of a sudden. She is only three so with a little practice this will help her count without missing numbers, all with a side of fun.

Materials Needed:

5 pieces of construction paper, different colors

1 marker

1 packet of multi-colored, multi-sized craft pom poms

laminating sheets (optional)


  1. Fold the construction paper in half vertically, trace a mitten shape on one side and cut out the mittens. You should get 10 mittens.
  2. Towards the bottom of the mitten number them 1-10. Then draw the  number in circles varying from small to large to match the pom pom sizes you have on the center of the mitten. 
  3. Give your children 1 mitten each to start, asking them to place the correct number of pom poms on the mitten. Remind your child to try to match the size as well as the number. 
  4. We sat on a mat on the floor and did one mitten at a time. In no time at all ,Rose was choosing mittens at random and filling them in correctly. Her younger brother  Alastair ( almost 2) was able to place the pom poms easily as well.
  5. The paper can tear easily, so if you are able to laminate the mittens  I would recommend that.


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