Date Night

8 Sweet Stay at Home Dates for Parents

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Stay At Home Dates:

Normally, the birth of  a baby triggers a surge of jubilee in those around you. Your loved ones want to celebrate this new life, and rightly so. That celebration transforms your fridge into an overstuffed all you can eat buffet, while your front door is always evolving with visitors. Consequently, the global pandemic stilled that once evolving door, and left us secluded with two under two, just us two.


For one thing, my husband and I are natural homebodies, we love home. But every once in a while we ask each other when the last time was that we went out on a date. With quizzical brows and shrugs of shoulders we usually arrive at the same conclusion: it’s been six maybe nine months.

Date Night After Hours:

Certainly, with that response, quality time outside our abode, without children is well overdue. Perhaps like us, you don’t have many people who can babysit for you. Even still, the idea of  going out with wavering restrictions may feel uncertain. I’ve got you covered. Here are eight sweet date ideas to do once the kids have gone to sleep.

Dedicated to My Husband:

To my husband Scott, thank you for your unrelenting support during my blogging endeavors. Many computers have been saved by you, from being thrown across the room when nothing was working. You are cordially invited to each of the following dates every Saturday night in January and February. I appreciate and love you so very much.

Apple Cider Flights and Canvas Painting:

 My husband and I once went to a Sipping and Painting class with his mom. It is still a fond memory of mine.  It was relaxing and fun to see how differently the featured painting was interrupted. For a fraction of the price you could purchase your own art supplies from these canvases to paints for a fraction of the price. 

It would be sweet to paint something for your children’s rooms using some of the amazing Youtube tutorials that walk you through painting steps by step. I especially liked this oceanview tutorial

Game Night Extravaganza with a Living Room Picnic:

Grab some comfy pillows and blankets for a picnic and game night in the middle of your living room. A simple game like Farkle still allows for good conversation to take place as well as a few laughs. I imagine a batch of little sausages wrapped in crescent rolls would compliment this laid back evening date. Don’t forget the dipping sauces.

Hot Chocolate, Fire Pit and Stargazing:

Assuming that the fire restrictions are lifted a fire pit adds a certain amount of spark to an at home date in more ways than one. The first brings warmth and romance, and naturally encourages you to cozy up with your loved one especially on cooler evenings. A few camping chairs, a string of lights and two cups of hot chocolate and you got yourself an inexpensive yet picturesque date.

Margarita Station with Chips and Salsa:

The best part of this date is actually making the salsa together, while sipping on chilled margaritas. Here is a great  salsa recipe from Joanna Gaines via the Magnolia website.  It is an easy salsa using simple ingredients and a food processor.  You can whip up different fruits: strawberries or blackberries to add to your margs, for an added kick you can add some chili or jalapeno to your drinks.

Couples Facial:

Self care can sometimes get lost on parents, so incorporating it into a mini date is a perfect solution. This mud mask  made with Aztec clay is great for all skin types. With its added tingling sensation it is sure to make you both smile. Sit and hold hands while the mask tightens  you won’t be able to talk with ease . Just enjoy one anothers company and a few moments of quiet reflection.

Audiobook with a Beer Flight:

Just recently, I have started to listen to audiobooks and for the most part, they are really calming. Listening to a book together while curled up on the couch sounds ideal. While listening to your book you could sample a beer flight. Since it’s close to the holidays a Christmas themed flight would add some merriment to the evening, or you could pair the flight based on your book’s theme or setting. For example if your book is set you London you could sample some British beers. The teacher in me loves this idea very much, full immersion experience.

Movie Night with Food Caddy:

Sometimes a good movie and yummy snacks are all you need. I love the idea of having the snacks and drinks organized in a caddy, teachers typically used them for group work as tables. Usually the four compartments are stuffed with scissors, glue sticks, rulers, markers ect.

But in this case the sky’s the limit ,stuff them with a White Claw, popcorn with M&M’s, candied bacon, jalapeno poppers, mmm food is good. Turn on the fireplace, and que the movie. You can find your caddies at the local dollar store or at Target. 3

Fondue and Wine Flight:

The idea of making fondue was always intimidating to me but it is actually quite easy to make and you don’t need a fancy fondue pot either. In fact you can make fondue in a mini crock pot, and it works just as well. I love food experiences that add variety, and can be easily modified for dietary restrictions. Luckily for me there are plenty of gluten free items that pair well with cheese fondue. If you are feeling really daring you can skip the cheese all together and go straight for a chocolate fondue. Wine pairs well with both.


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