Spiritual Wellness

Graced by a Tribe of Woman

As a young girl I always wanted a group of girlfriends, you know the caliber of Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Four friends who are perfectly paired. Each with their own solidified unmatched beauty and character. The allure of that dynamic was loyalty. But more so to be  truly known and seen,and to reciprocate those same things. In my youth, friendships for me were always really difficult. Girls and women can be really nasty towards one another. Perhaps it is because society places these impossible standards upon us. Which in turn encourages this competitive spirit within us. In my opinion, the strongest women I know are those who stand with other women. This is a lesson I was blessed to learn as a mature adult, as a mother, as a sister and as a friend.

Through that lesson God has graced me with a priceless tribe of women. I met each friend in circumstances God beautifully laced together in this tapestry we call life. They all have their own strengths, weaknesses and spiritual gifts. All are stunning in their own unique way. I have been fortified and schooled in so many areas of my life alongside them. Without them my life would be lacking joy and brilliance.

 Charity  has shown me strength and tenacity in the face of adversity. She is a silent fighter, a master of love, and the ambassador of hope.

Carrie has taught me how to have a gentle and hospitable spirit. Her home radiates peace and comfort, all while smelling good.

Joni modeled the value of having a creative outlet . As a weary mama, her joy is evident in everything she creates.

Cynthia has a boldness that doesn’t waiver. She encourages me to always be true to myself.

Carlene is honest, vulnerable and one of the most thoughtful people I know. She has shown my kids a loyalty and love I could only dream of.

Jill is discerning and brimming in godly wisdom. Especially when it comes to marriage and parenthood.

Laurie has a warmth that is contagious. In every rainstorm she trusts God no matter how harsh, she remains unshakable.


These women, my friends, had the courage to take down all facades and completely bare their hearts and souls to me.  They have stood with me in every season, and loved without condition or limits. They are imperfect people, but the way they choose to live their lives make them warriors in this journey of womanhood.  Cancer, infertility, loss, illness, nor near death experiences could dull or weaken these women. Instead the experiences have empowered them and motivated them. My tribe’s women are the honey to my bee stings  and God given blessings which I am eternally grateful for.


“I met each friend in circumstances God beautifully laced together in this tapestry we call life.”

To my tribe, thank you for helping me stand stronger and shine brighter even when I didn’t know I could.


To my mum I lost you too soon,  thank you for being my rock in life and thereafter. WAMHAS 


To the lonely girl there is a tribe for you, don’t be afraid to seek friendships in unexpected places.



  • Seeker

    You have such an honest and vulnerable, humble spirt, lacking in most writers. The meaning of your words are woven together so beautifully and gracefully. Thanks for reminding me to lean in to, even the unexpected women around me.

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