Self Care Ideas for Stay at Home Moms
Self Care

Self Care Ideas for Stay at Home Moms

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At the start of Spring seeds are sown into the ground with the hope of new growth and fresh starts . Recently, we had an Easter bash/ delayed birthday celebration for my son Alastair. On his actual birthday he decided to paint the kitchen with the contents of his little tummy. Naturally, we had to postpone, such is the life of a mom. Though you diligently plan things, your kids have other agendas which they execute with the precision of a sniper. With all these distractions self care for mom  falls to the wayside.


One of my dear friends Christina came to the party, with her, she brought her precious daughter and a bouquet of the most stunning tulips. Her gesture in the tulips reminded me that she understood what it is to be a busy mama. She validated the clean house, the homemade birthday cake, the food and the newly showered children running around the house.

Self Care for Mom is Critical:

Moreover, as the tulips continue to bloom they are a reminder that self care as a mom is so very critical. Just as the tulips rely on water from the vase, your spouse and children drink from your reserve. Should that reserve be empty then they will be in want. Trust me, the laundry will be there in another 15 minutes, resist the urge to overlook your needs.  Instead, try one of these 9 self care tips to restore your supply, you are worth every moment.

self care ideas for the stay at home mom


Duo Lingo:

As a stay at home mom one of my biggest challenges was leaving behind my professional job. It felt as though I lost the intellectual stimulus that met me everyday in the world of teaching. Therefore it was a priority for me to find ways to engage mentally. In college I studied Italian while on an exchange program. Duo Lingo has helped me brush up on my past skills while  helping me acquire new ones. In only ten minutes a day I am seeing progress in my absorption and recall.


Your local library is an excellent and free source for audiobooks. Just sit and allow yourself to be transported to another world amongst the pages of your book. Some of my favorite titles are :

The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis

Forgotten God by Francis Chan

The Charm Bracelet by Viola Shipman

Adult Coloring Books:

self care ideas for stay at home moms

Surely, if you struggle with anxiety of any kind, adult coloring books are surprisingly calming. I used them often with kids who struggled with behaviors or emotional issues while at school. They are cost effective and afford many hours of calm.


Neck Massage:

Furthermore, this  Zyllion Shiatsu Neck Massager from  Amazon is easy to use and highly effective in removing muscle tension, aids relaxation and makes for a better sleep. 


Face Mask:

Apply, sit back and let dry. Play music and light candles to create a relaxing spa-like atmosphere. Slice up some cucumbers and throw them on your eyes for added luxury.

Specialty Food:

Think chocolate, almonds, charcuterie boards, chocolate brownies, or scones. One special food that is yours only can make all the difference when it comes to refilling your physical  tank. These gluten free trail mix cookies featured here on beestings and honey are my favorite.

Specialty Drink:

In addition to food, drinks can be just as restoring. Personally I enjoy pressed coconut water, collagen in my coffee, a cup of tea or a nice glass of wine. Sitting quietly with a nice drink is an excellent way to rehydrate and rest.


CCC Online Sermons:

Surely, there are wonderful churches, but if you haven’t one to call your own I invite you to listen to the sermons at Colorado Community Church. Christ focused, and based on sound doctrine these are sure to feed your soul. Pastor Robert is a gifted speaker and his messages are meant to be shared. 

Prayer Journal:

Lastly, journaling your prayers in a wonderful way to connect to God at the end of a busy day. Journaling helps you stay focused on your prayers instead of wondering to the mental grocery list. A notebook, a pen and some quiet and you are on your way to refilling that spiritual  reserve.  Prayer is the most powerful arsenal a mom can have, dive deep and watch how He moves.


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