The Bible for Kids

Bible Lessons for Kids: David

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Kids'Bible Lesson:David

The story of David is such a beautiful view of courageousness and strength, especially in the young.  David was young, and had his whole life ahead of him. Undoubtedly, during one of the biggest confrontations that his people were facing, he was willing to stand up for God. Moreover, his whole confidence was not not focused on himself it was securely focused on God his one higher power. 

Please share the following with your children:


The Story of David  at it appears in the Storybook Bible listed below

David Theme Song :


David Theme Verse:

“ For the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.” 

2 Samuel 17:47b

David Craft Five Smooth Stones:

Items Needed:

Rocks or Paper Rocks  ( 5 per child) with the following words: 







Washable Paint 


Masking Tape


  1. Begin by writing the five words on the stones in the middle.
  2. Cover the names with masking tape to protect them from being painted over.
  3. Allow your children to use the paint to make dots all over the rocks.
  4. Once the paint is dry, remove the tape.
  5. Place rocks in a garden, or use as decoration within the house. 

David and Goliath Bible Lesson :

To begin, David was the youngest of three brothers, all of whom were warriors. All the while David was in charge of watching his Father’s sheep. Which is actually a really beautiful connection to Jesus who is our shepherd. Being a shepherd is a huge responsibility and it isn’t without danger. At the time his brothers thought that being a shepherd was a job that was inferior to that of a warrior.

No Giant Is Big Enough:

When Goliath enters the scene, he brings with him an immense amount of fear. For 40 days he challenges the Israelites to enter into battle. Not one man is willing to fight, not one man was willing to trust God to deliver them. 

Equally important is that when David heard Goliath mock God, and scare his people he stepped up. And that day Goliath would be defeated with five smooth stones. Again, we see God using an unlikely character and an unconventional method to defeat the enemy.

Follow Up Questions:

  1. What job did David have? Shepherd 
  2. What was the giant’s name that wanted to fight God’s people? Goliath
  3. Why wasn’t David afraid of Goliath? Because he had faith that God was with him.
  4. How did David kill Goliath? With a sling and a stone

David Concept Activity:

Children’s Bible:

Items Needed:

  1. Hide the rocks outside and allow the children to go and find each rock, reminding them that each represents the attributes of David.

A Word on Bibles, we have quite a few versions of the Bible, these are our favorites for very young kids all the way to middle school aged kids.  Of course God’s word can be accessible at any age but having  a version with language that children can understand is vital to their comprehension and spiritual growth.


creation story for kids

The Action Bible

Appropriate for ages 9 and Up, a creative and new way to view the Bible.

Jesus Calling Storybook

This Bible is intended for ages 5-8, it features short scripture focused stories.

Toddlers Bible

Perfect for ages 2-3, with bite size Bible stories perfect for short attention spans


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