noah bible lesson for kids
The Bible for Kids

Noah: Bible Lesson for Kids

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My kids and I recently finished Vacation Bible School at our church. I had the privilege of leading the Arts and Craft  rotation for children ages 4 years old to 11 years old. Though at first glance the story of Noah’s Ark seems very bleak, in all actuality  it is a beautiful picture of God’s faithfulness and mercy. Major takeaways for the week were that God deeply wants His people to live a life of righteousness. Moreover, God uses every good and bad  thing in our lives for our benefit, and the cross covers it all.

The Lesson in Noah's Ark :

Begin by, reading the story of Noah from your Kid’s Bible/ Presently, we are using this Toddler Bible from Amazon. Please share the following Noah  theme verse and song with your children.

Noah Theme Song :



Noah's Theme Verse:

Genesis 8:1a “ God remembered Noah and the animals.”

Noah's Ark Rain Sticks:

 Supplies Needed:

Paper towel roll or toilet paper roll

Watercolor paint

Felt Circles


Dried Rice or Beans



1.For the rain sticks allow your children to paint the rolls allowing dry time. 

2.Fill  the tubes with rice or beans ensuring that the ends are fully secured with tape, or glue. We used felt circles and a hot glue gun ( be sure children are not handling the hot glue gun.) 

  1. Lastly, attach ribbons to the body of the tube.

Noah's Ark Bible Lesson :

Begin by reading the story of Noah’s Ark to your child from either the storybook Bible or the Toddler’s Bible. Point out that many people were sinning and no longer wanted to listen to God. Show them that Noah and his family were the few people choosing to live for God.  Significantly important to share is that God made a boat big enough for anyone who would listen to Noah. Moreover, God had a plan well in advance of His plan and His hope was that more than just Noah his family and the animals would be saved. The flood is a story of redemption not destruction. And the rainbow is God’s promise of protection for those who choose Him.

Noah's Ark Game:

Noah Game: Have your children collect stuffed animals, or animal figurines, from around the house. Then have them get the animals to the ark as quickly as they can. Use a box or a laundry basket to represent the Ark.  Use phrases such as “God said get the animals to the boat.” or “Will you obey and take the animals to the boat?” as your children play the game.

Follow Up Questions:

  1. Why did Noah build a boat ?
  2. Why was the flood coming ?
  3. How did the animals go on the boat?
  4. who was saved ?
  5. What does the rainbow mean?

Children’s Bibles:

Finally, a word on Bibles, we have quite a few versions of the Bible, these are our favorites for very young kids all the way to middle school aged kids.  Of course God’s word can be accessible at any age but having  a version with language that children can understand is vital to their comprehension and spiritual growth:

9 and up : The Action Bible

Ages 5-8 years old: The Jesus Storybook Bible

Ages 1-4 years: The Toddler’s Bible


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